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From the
of the Board
of Management
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is wanting to dance
in the rain”
Well, it seems that we have come to the end of yet another “dance in the
rain”. After a lot of hard work and preparation, we have come to the end
of another school year. And for our leavers, this is going to be their last
dance on the school’s dance floor. Having spent 7 whole years at the Eng-
lish School, they are about to embark on a new “trip” after finishing their
exams. The boys will join the National Guard and the girls will most prob-
ably further their education. To all of them we wholeheartedly wish
every success and hope that our School has managed not only to make
them brighter, but also better and more correct citizens.
To our members of staff who have been working really hard in order for
the School to achieve a record high level of academic achievements and
university offers goes a big THANK YOU, and to our teaching staff we wish
a relaxing long summer holiday. With this opportunity we would also like
to thank ESSA (the Staff Union) and all members of Staff who have con-
tributed in various ways to ensure that our School survives the hard days
As with all of Cyprus, our School community has been faced with many
difficulties due to the economic turbulence by which we have all been
touched to a greater or lesser extent. The Board is endeavouring to en-
sure that this affects our students’ admission to the School as little as
possible by offering as many bursaries (and easier terms for payment)
as it can where needed. The Board of Management would like to thank
all parents for their continuous support and understanding. Within this
restricted “frame” we are continuously trying to improve the infrastruc-
ture of our School. During the Christmas holidays we upgraded the boys’
and girls’ toilets in Lloyds and created new teaching rooms. At Easter
break the boys’ toilets in the Main Building were restored and new
wooden shades were installed in the School yard with the financial sup-
port of ESPA to whom we extend our appreciation. During the summer
holidays it is in our plan to pedestrianise the area from the canteen to the
Design & Technology Room and also to have a new canteen. If our efforts
for sponsorship materialise soon, then our Sports Centre will be face-
lifted and improved. Furthermore, we are studying and costing the cre-
ation of a Music section with more sound proof rooms for the practice
of different instruments and our choirs. Another pioneering plan we are
in the process of designing is the setting up of “a village”. We will relocate
some at least of our mobile rooms and create with the help of our mem-
bers of staff and students a small village that will be based on environ-
mental factors, e.g. the use and/or economy of power and energy. For
the successful implementation of this project we will seek the sponsor-
ship of the private sector, and we hope that we will manage to gain a lot
of interest in achieving it.
This summer our headmaster Mr. Gamble will be leaving us to take up
new headship duties in the U.K. As is the case with each different Head
who has passed through the English School, Mr. Gamble ran our School
with his own individual style. His artistic flair was particularly appreci-
ated and those who attended his memorable production of Julius Ceasar
will agree with this sentiment. To him we extend our wishes for fulfil-
ment and success in his new post and to his whole family (wife Sue and
two boys Alexander and Byron) our best wishes for the future.
This year the School will also be saying good-bye to Mr. Sisou who joined
us as a P.E. teacher in 1976 and has been the head of his department
since 1999. He has proved to be a friend and popular member of staff
and with his colleagues and students has led the School in winning many
sports and athletic accomplishments. We offer our thanks to Mr. Sisou for
all his hard work and dedication and wish him a very happy and well de-
served retirement.
All those who are leaving, take with them our best wishes and I am sure,
happy memories of the English School. To those who are staying, or are
very soon to join us, let us look forward to another busy but also chal-
lenging year ahead.
Thank you all and may you have a very nice summer holiday.
Magda Nicholson
Chairperson of the Board of Management
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